
  • Overview
    By interacting with these Infestations you can:
    -Acquire extra Tech Nodes (Next-highest level only!)
    -Earn experience points
    -Liberate friendly Units
    -Recover additional Resources.

    There are two types of Infested Sites – Offensive and Defensive.
    Send Offensive Troops to destroy Offensive Infestations (highlighted red in your Radar and when you place the cursor over it on the Map).

    Send Defensive Troops to evacuate and destroy Defensive Infestations (highlighted green in your Radar and when you place the cursor over it on the Map).

    The battle for an Infestation takes place immediately upon your Units' arrival at the Infestation. None of your Units stay to garrison the Infestation; all surviving Units are withdrawn to their home Sector immediately following each engagement. The location is destroyed upon completion of the operation.

    You will receive additional Tech Nodes to apply at the Tech Nexus ONLY by completing the next maximum Infestation level – you may choose either Offensive or Defensive, but will receive nodes only for the option you select.
  • Infestation Strength Indicators
    Every Infestation has two strength indicators – its Level and Current Strength. The Level indicates the size of the force occupying the Infested Area. The Current Strength represents the approximate percentage of enemy Units remaining at the Location. Both indicators can be found on your Radar interface.

    You may attack the same Infestation as many times as needed in order to destroy all its occupying units. Infestations are protected by strong electromagnetic anomalies and background radiation - rendering your Drones and other detection equipment useless. While many may contain valuable resource caches or captured friendly units – some will offer nothing but hordes of Enemies and the opportunity to earn experience points. Each Infestation you destroy for no reward significantly increases your odds of receiving a bonus on your next attempt – so keep trying!
  • Radar
    You must build the Radar in order to detect Infestations around your Sector.

    The Radar gives you intel about:
    New Infestations spawning around your Sector
    Level and Current Strength of Infestations.

    All detected Infestations can be found in the Radar on the "Infestations" tab. Upgrading the Radar has no effect on the number of detected Infestations, but will allow you to detect more Deposits on the Map.
  • Infestation Interactions
    Hold your cursor over an Infested area on the Map to see its strength indicators and available actions. You can view the Infestations Level and Current Strength, dispatch a force to attack it, or return to the "Infestations" tab at your Radar interface from this menu.

    From within your Sector, go to your Radar and open the "Infestations" tab to view all available Infested areas. Upgrading the Radar has no effect on the number of detected Infestations, but will allow you to detect more Deposits on the Map.

    There are two types of Infested Sites – Offensive and Defensive.
    Send Offensive Troops to destroy Offensive Infestations (highlighted red in your Radar and when you place the cursor over it on the Map).

    Send Defensive Troops to evacuate and destroy Defensive Infestations (highlighted green in your Radar and when you place the cursor over it on the Map).

    The battle for an Infestation takes place immediately upon your Units' arrival at the Infestation. None of your Units stay to garrison the Infestation; all surviving Units are withdrawn to their home Sector immediately following each engagement. The location is destroyed upon completion of the operation.

    You will receive additional Tech Nodes to apply at the Tech Nexus ONLY by completing the next maximum Infestation level – you may choose either Offensive or Defensive, but will receive nodes only for the option you select.